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瑜珈 Yoga

施化難陀瑜珈是達到此一目的之全方位 途徑。除了循序漸進學習身體連續體位法,施化難陀瑜珈還提供冥想的背景、適當的放鬆以及靈性的領會。

‧ 施化難陀瑜珈基礎十二式體位法
‧ 拜日式
‧ 基礎呼吸法
‧ 自主練習基本瑜珈的能力



‧ 乾淨的瑜珈墊
‧ 便於活動的韻律服或緊身衣

奧修認為波顛闍利,第一位瑜珈行者『乃佛教界的愛因斯坦』,因為他發明了瑜珈這一探究人心內在的科學。 瑜珈的正確性如此之高,在數千年後的今天,瑜珈依然為人類透過覺知獲得自由的過程提供了重要的轉換指引。
Sivananda Yoga Classes
Our body is the vehicle of our soul. Proper yoga exercises should be pleasant to the practitioner and simultaneously beneficial to body, mind and spiritual life!
Sivananda Yoga is a holistic approach. While teaching a proper flow of body postures it additional provides a meditative background, proper relaxation and spiritual understanding.
In short coming to this class you will come to an active meditation.

In this 8 evening classes you will learn:
• 12 basic asanas ‬(postures) of Sivananda Yoga
• Surya Namaskar ‬or Sun salutation
• Basic pranayama (breathing techniques)
• the ability to practice basic Yoga on your own

Yoga increases the flexibility of the body. Prana (energy or Chi) can then flow more freely through our system. Our health and wellbeing will profoundly increase, helping body and mind to stay younger.
By relaxing deeply all the muscles we can thoroughly rejuvenate our nervous system and attain a deep sense of inner peace.
Breath and mind are deeply related. Learning to control breathing helps us to gain mastery over the mind.

Yoga uses minimum energy to create maximum benefit.
Done properly and with care, it is by far more beneficial than any sport or gymnastics!
Doing Yoga is a beautiful practice to deepen our meditation and overall awareness.
In joining these classes you will do yourself a great favor! You can only benefit from it!

Please bring:
• Your own clean Yoga matt
• Comfortable body tight clothing

Course languages: Chinese and English
OSHO describes Patanjali as “like an Einstein in the world of Buddhas” for creating an inner science of man, Yoga.
Yoga is so accurate that thousands of years later it still provides a transformational guide for humanity of freedom through consciousness.
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