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進入靈魂深處 – 靜心與愛


帶領者:迦雅Jaya { jayadip
(at) }
奧修:Come Follow To You,第四卷

GOING DEEPER – Meditation & Love

In meditation we attempt to go deeper.
In Love we share what we are finding.
These evening classes introduce you to some lesser known meditation techniques. When we do something new, we tend to be more alert.
What is happening to us, while meditating? Often it remains a mystery. Sharing and investigating with others will help us, to become more conscious. While meditation tends to be quiet male, in sharing we will add the female aspect of Love. In this cosmic unity of Love and Meditation, we will go deeper into the oneness of all. Come and join these special Friday evenings, as a spiritual start into your weekends.

Course language: English & Chinese
“Therapy is basically meditation and love, because without love and meditation there is no healing possible. Hence my whole teaching consists of two words, "meditation" and "love." Meditate so that you can feel immense silence, and love so that your life can become a song, a dance, a celebration. You will have to move between the two, and if you can move easily, if you can move without any effort, you have learned the greatest thing in life.
OSHO: Come Follow To You, Vol 4
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