台北 • 新北市 板橋區 • 從捷運新埔站乘坐ubike或步行10分鐘即可輕鬆抵達
新竹縣竹北市 •田園屋民宿
0972 991 350 • e-mail
台北 • 新北市 板橋區 • 從捷運新埔站乘坐ubike或步行10分鐘即可輕鬆抵達
新竹縣竹北市 •田園屋民宿
0972 991 350 • e-mail
Awareness Massage Session
This session combines counseling, emotional release, body work and awareness meditation. The body is among many things a sophisticated memory system. Combining touch, love and awareness we can connect with the subconsciousness to free blocks, which lie in the way to our inner self.
These sessions have a wide range and potential. Depending on the moment and the state and focus of the client, we can explore hidden issues, free energies, support emotional release, cruise back to issues from childhood including impacts received during birth and pre-birth as well as go into deep meditation. With the focus on awareness and acceptance (Love) we have the chance to understand and disidentify. Awareness helps us to become more centered in the Hara, which acts as a bridge between our outer structure and inner Being. This opens the door for deeper and profound experiences of our self.
In short, these session can be supportive in a wide range of introspection: from looking at personality to inner self to being to meditation. In almost all cases a Hara-Awareness-Massage-client ends up being more relaxed, peaceful and with deeper understanding of what he or she was looking for.
Bringing awareness to the body with the belly center is bringing light and understanding to the self, thus giving support to come out of the entanglements of mind and emotions. Becoming more centered in awareness lets us be more clear and relaxed in day-to-day life as well as staying connected with the essential qualities of our higher self.
We combine tradition and modern techniques to awaken and heal body, emotion, thoughts. Through understand the personality structure we create a space to let the divine come in. Thus brining our outer and inner dimensions into harmony.
These sessions have a wide range and potential. Depending on the moment and the state and focus of the client, we can explore hidden issues, free energies, support emotional release, cruise back to issues from childhood including impacts received during birth and pre-birth as well as go into deep meditation. With the focus on awareness and acceptance (Love) we have the chance to understand and disidentify. Awareness helps us to become more centered in the Hara, which acts as a bridge between our outer structure and inner Being. This opens the door for deeper and profound experiences of our self.
In short, these session can be supportive in a wide range of introspection: from looking at personality to inner self to being to meditation. In almost all cases a Hara-Awareness-Massage-client ends up being more relaxed, peaceful and with deeper understanding of what he or she was looking for.
Bringing awareness to the body with the belly center is bringing light and understanding to the self, thus giving support to come out of the entanglements of mind and emotions. Becoming more centered in awareness lets us be more clear and relaxed in day-to-day life as well as staying connected with the essential qualities of our higher self.
We combine tradition and modern techniques to awaken and heal body, emotion, thoughts. Through understand the personality structure we create a space to let the divine come in. Thus brining our outer and inner dimensions into harmony.
Jaya offers session at:
Taipei -Banqiao •Take u-bike or a 10 min easy walk from Xinpu MRT station
Hsinchu Zhubei • !THIS Center •
Sanwan/Miaoli • Yonghe Shan Reservoir
Contact Jaya at:
+886-972 991 350 • e-mail
Taipei -Banqiao •Take u-bike or a 10 min easy walk from Xinpu MRT station
Hsinchu Zhubei • !THIS Center •
Sanwan/Miaoli • Yonghe Shan Reservoir
Contact Jaya at:
+886-972 991 350 • e-mail